The holiday season means knowing who to tip and how much. You don’t have to always tip 20 percent and you don’t have to tip everyone. With budgets tighter this year, it’s okay to cut back. Here are some things to consider for this holiday tipping season.
Budget First
As much as you want to tip everyone who makes your life easier, that’s simply not feasible. Your first consideration should be your own finances. If you have room in your budget to tip, please do so. However, don’t miss a credit card payment because you tipped a UPS driver.
Make It
As CNBC notes, if your budget is tight but you still want to show appreciation to someone, try making something from scratch. Everyone loves cookies, and they’re fairly inexpensive. If you’re crafty, go ahead and use your skills to show them how much you care.
When in Doubt, Ask
If you want to tip someone but aren’t sure if it’s acceptable, simply ask. You can call the company or ask the person themselves. Better to know then to guess.
Words Work Too
Money is a great gift, but so are words. Tell the person that you appreciate them. It will make them feel good, and that’s what the holidays are really about.
Common Tipping Guidelines:
Babysitter: The equivalent of an average night’s pay.
Nanny: One month’s pay.
Pet groomer: Cash equivalent of one service.
House cleaner: One month’s pay.
UPS: UPS says drivers can accept “small gifts or nominal gratuity.”
FedEx: Gifts valued up to $75. No cash or gift cards.
Doorman: $20 to $100.
Handyman: $20 to $100.
Bus driver: $20.
Teachers: Contribute to a class gift.