Managing Thanksgiving on a Budget

Managing Thanksgiving on a Budget

How to save on Thanksgiving dinner.

Thanksgiving is right around the corner. That means it’s time to start thinking of ways not to go over budget. Here are some tips to make sure you don’t overspend this year.

Set a Limit

Look at your budget so you know exactly how much you are okay spending. If you go into the grocery store blindly, you’re much more likely to overspend. 

Check Inventory

Now that you have a budget set, look in your pantry and fridge to check for ingredients you already have. You don’t want to buy duplicate items. That’s an easy way to overspend.

Make a List

You should always make a grocery shopping list, especially around Thanksgiving.

  • List every dish you plan on making
  • Break it down into an ingredients list
  • If possible, search in a shopping app for the cost of each thing.

If your list is over budget, consider eliminating dishes or making food assignments.

Ask for Help

Another way to keep your Thanksgiving costs down is to delegate. Ask friends and family to bring a dish. You don’t need to go to a full potluck if you don’t want to. Simply asking one person to provide dessert can save you plenty.

Don’t Worry About Decor

Thanksgiving decor is great, but most people won’t even notice. Instead of going overboard on decorations, save some cash. People come to Thanksgiving to enjoy loved ones’ company, not to admire your decor.

Do One Thing: Make a grocery shopping list before heading to the store.

Chris O'Shea

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