Furry Financials

Costs to consider before adopting a pet

According to a recent study, 23 million Americans adopted a pet during the first two years of the pandemic. It’s not surprising, as pets can be a great stress reliever and improve your overall quality of life. Perhaps you’ve considered getting a cat or a dog. Before you do, you should think of the financial implications. Here are some costs associated with getting a furry friend.

Starter Costs

  • Adoption Fee: Adoption fees vary by location and by pet, but rest assured you will pay something for your pet. The Humane Society lists its prices as between $129 and $767 for dogs and puppies, and between $39 to $317 for cats and kittens. If you’re going through a breeder, your cost will likely be significantly higher.
  • Vet fee: If you’re adopting through a shelter, your initial veterinary visits will already be completed. However, if you don’t, you should be prepared to spend a few hundred dollars during the first year of ownership. That covers things like shots and an initial wellness check.
  • Supplies: A new pet needs a variety of supplies, like a leash, food and water bowls, toys, a litter box, food and more.
  • Ongoing Costs

  • Medical bills: Pets, just like us, do need medical care sometimes. Visits to the vet for even routine things can be costly — one study found the average visit to a vet for a cat or dog is about $150. And, if you know you’re going to go to the mattresses if your pet gets cancer or another pricey condition, consider pet insurance.
  • Medications: Cats and dogs need medication for many things, including heartworm and fleas and ticks. Monthly medications can run you about $50-$100 depending on what your pet needs.
  • Time: As US News reports, owning a pet takes time. Your time. If you’re not ready for that commitment — and the money you’ll spend — it might be wise to hold off.
  • Chris O'Shea

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