Cutting Food Delivery Costs

Cutting Food Delivery Costs

How to save on monthly food delivery costs

On average, consumers spend close to $1,900 a year on food delivery. In some cases, the delivery fees cost more than the food. Yikes! If you want to reign in this line item on your budget, here are a few suggestions.

Meal Prep. Why do you order food? You’ve had a long day, and don’t feel like cooking – you just want to eat. Ordering in isn’t the only option. Whipping up a big batch of a few things (chili, soup, salad, meatballs, or cutlets) over the weekend means you can just reach into the fridge, heat, and eat throughout the week.

Stock Up on Frozen. A frozen entrée is a lot cheaper than delivery. And with so many restaurants and brands in the frozen food game these days, you may not even feel like you’re compromising.  

Stretch Your Order. Everything has a shelf life these days. If you’re going to order, think about what you’ll be eating not just today but over the next few days. Ask the other folks in your house the same question. Then order once and stretch it over a few days’ meals.

Look For Deals. If you’re going to order, look for promo codes, coupons, or a membership service – like DashPass or EatsPass (from UberEats) – that can reduce your cost per order and help you save on delivery fees. 

Eat Leftovers. Yesterday’s dinner? Tomorrow’s lunch. With 40% of the food in the U.S. being wasted each year, if you’re not capturing every mouthful, you can start adding up the dollars that you’re throwing away.

Jean Chatzky

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