Hard to Move

Real estate agents reveal factors that make a home hard to sell

Real estate agents can be a great source of information when you’re trying to sell your house. They often know what works and what doesn’t particularly when it comes to your local market place. Here are some factors that agents say make selling a house much more difficult. Avoid these and a sale will likely come a lot quicker.

  • An inappropriate price tag. You obviously want to get the most money possible for your home, but you also have to make sure it’s priced correctly. If you house is priced much higher than other, similar houses nearby, buyers will not be interested. Talk with your realtor about a good number for your house to make sure you’re not scaring buyers away.
  • Not enough light. Buyers want a lot of natural light, so if your house doesn’t have many windows, it could be hard to sell. If it’s possible to add windows, that’s something you may want to consider. If not, try showing your home on sunny days and adding new lights so the house is brightly lit when buyers are strolling through. And lighten up your paint colors.
  • Pet odor. Pets are great. Pet odors? Not so much. In a survey of real estate agents by Money, many listed cat smells specifically making a home hard to sell. If you own a cat (or any other pet), prior to showing your home, hire a professional cleaning service.
  • Unchangeable architecture. If your house features architecture that is poor (like low ceilings) or unchangeable, it can make for a long selling process. This, again, is where your agent comes in handy. Discuss ways to improve your difficult situation. That’s why you’re paying them.
  • Chris O'Shea

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