After the Strike

What renters should do after natural disaster strikes

According to the National Climate Data Center, as of July, the nation has experienced nine weather and climate natural disasters with losses topping $1 billion. If you’re a renter, you should know what to do once a disaster has struck. Here are some steps to take.


Once it is safe to do so, go into the apartment or house and assess the damage. Take pictures, log details, etc. Then put everything into an email and a written letter to your landlord. Ask for the repairs and how long it will take for the repairs to be finished. Mail the written repair request using certified mail so that you know it was delivered. Keep a copy of the email and a copy of the letter for your records.

Read Up

Look back at your lease for the rent abatement and lease termination sections. As USA Today notes, when disaster strikes, you have the right to terminate your lease if there is significant damage to the property or if it’s completely unlivable. If the property is only slightly damaged, you still have the right to pay reduced rent until the repairs are finished.

Understand the Damage

Unfortunately, your landlord is not responsible for any damage to your personal items. Landlords are only responsible for damage to the apartment, house, or condo. If you have renter’s insurance, contact your company with details about the damaged items. If the items aren’t covered by your policy, you might be able to get help from FEMA. The agency’s Individual and Household Program might help you recover clothing, furniture and more.

Chris O'Shea

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